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Friday, November 28, 2008

Still Full as a Tick

And I am about to pop!
I had desert for breakfast this morning and it was so good.

we had a great family get together at the Swint's yesterday as always - I just love my in-laws! Plus the best part is that my parents and Mike's parents get along great so we always have a good time together.

Hailey was not there because she went to James' family gathering. She was hanging tough until 9:30 - she stayed out later than me! She was in some pain though because she did get her port "pokey" out on the day before thanksgiving. I told her that she can officially start calling herself a survivor now. Forget that "5 year" crud - start calling yourself a survivor NOW and believe it.

Now I can start decorating for Christmas - starting with the blog - then I am getting down my tree! :) Yippee!


Anonymous said...

Love the Christmas background! Kevin saw mine and thought we had picked the same one again! We did beat you to the house decorating though. Inside and out fully decorated! I am with Christmas as you are with Halloween! Love ya chica!

Anonymous said...

OH and Jasmine rice is definitely the best! YUM-O!